Secondary 3H
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Water bottle collection and us

Yeah! our water bottle collection increased to "3 Levels" in a week.
AHAH wow we drink so much xD

Hmmm more about the class T-Shirt, you guys can/should also give in ideas here.
Maybe we can create a poll or anything?
more will be updated here abt the class shirt if there are any updates :D

For now, LOL lets have some fun on Founder's Day which is next Tuesday!
So everyone lets bring printed photos of our fun together!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Da Bad News

Okay... i know its like sad to hear that someone took our video and yar...
Posted it on youtube. And up till now, we can't find the person to delete it.
Hmmm... in my opinion, i think this isn't a right thing to do right?

if someone takes your video off from facebook and post it else where saying its yours,
isn't that Copyright Infringement?
we all hope deeply that the person would like own up or just delete the video asap.
This probably will affect the image of class 3H huh!
(LOL! even though this blog is like . . . so empty with no one hahah!)

Just a notice, cause... if the user: LMFretarded doesn't remove the video,
i guess the only choice is to issue a Copyright Infringement Notification on Youtube,
and the video and user should be blocked permanently once it is approved.


K la enough about it le. lets all learn from this! and carry on! :D
tml we would have our free period in a new FUN WAY!
Lets all enjoy ourselves and forget what has happened.
A good thing is, our class "water bottle collection" has increased!
and that is great! HAHAH i think we may win the most plastic bottle recycling competition.
at least silver? or gold even better xD

Cya all tomorrow! Have fun,

Friday, July 24, 2009
Class Contact on Thursday

Hi people once again! :D
Just hope ur will visit this class blog we actually have. LOL
Please do come okay?

Hmmm... on Thursday our class contact? haha yeah!
So here are some pictures i took? maybe your can contribute next time xD
That would be great hUH!
Filled with pics.

Talking abt pics, anyone wants a class photo?
As in like we take in any style we want? haha
KK, think about it haha

Hmmm... so some pics here:

LOL! our very own collection! :D

Ding Quan, Ming Keat! LOL!

Mdm Wang read newspaper very funny lehs. hahah!

K la cya soon :D Bye

Monday, July 20, 2009
After a long long while. . .

found this werid pic "OKAY?" :O

LOL here we are again, posting! just wanna say
Happy Birthday to those in May, June & July!
Kindar like changed the header again. LOL i think it still looks horrible :(
Oh come on, this blog is dead, i trying my best :DD

HMMM . . . . What should we post here?? i got nothing
sorri haven't been updating on H/W. LOL i myself couldn't keep track HAHA
Okay for Mathematics:
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D.
Test tml please revise: Chapter 1 - 4. (correct me if i'm wrong xD)

Well, still waiting for our very own 3H Class Photo! any suggestions on when? :DD
So when we fix a date, everyone just bring ur camera and we'll all take haha!
Cya in school tml ppl. . .


The 3H Family!!!

- May we bond together as one and excel in our academics! xD
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12nd Ding Quan
28th Isaac Goh
29th Sing Mei

2nd Bing Qi & Bing Da
3rd Clinton
4th Julia
5th Chien Yee

13rd Ming Jie
17th Luke
20th Zhong Yik

28 Samuel Lim

3rd Marilyn
7th Raynon
9th Wei Rong
12nd Yun Xin
25th Emeline

7th Rachel Koh
29th Junyuan

3rd Joshuah Kan & Loysius
7th Kittipong
10th Joey
25th Gerald

6th Wai Lum
22nd Daphne
25th Jun Jie

10th Sarah
12nd Lydia

28th Ming Keat

7th Richelle
21st Carissa
22nd Jia Qi
25th Claudia
27th Joel


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