Secondary 3H
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Our English Project

Hahs! this is the Video done by Junyuan, Joey, Jia Qi, Chien Yee, Raynon and Wai Lum?

The English project video you guys ask me to post. So i am now posting it! ENJOY!

You can comment on the ChatBOX.

Spouse and Child Abuse from Junyuan on Vimeo.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Our New Time Table

Our timetable has been changed slightly i guess...? hahs!

Bad News:
- The fact that our class room is C408 makes it... very irritating... i think? hahs!
- So we all have to move our lockers up by Monday.
- We have I -Share every FRIDAY!!! :'( Which would take like... forever??!

Good News! xD :
- Our PE remains the same day and timing. That is great! Cause... Ms Ong allows - drinks!
- And on every Thursday, the first 2 periods will be our FREE PERIOD!
- Then after that 2 periods, 3 periods of Chemistry then another 1 FREE PERIOD!
- We won't have to suffer 5 PERIODS of Mother Tongue on Thursday anymore! YAY!!!
- School ends at 2.15pm and 1.15pm on FRIDAY! Back to original! HEHS :D
- More FREE PERIODS added!

Wow! i think we have more Good News than Bad News! hHAs! A more Joyful Time ahead i think!

Here it is... If you want to open in another Tab/Window, hold CTRL + Click it.

Friday, February 13, 2009
Cross Country


We have just finished our second event of the year - Cross Country. xD

We're sure everyone had LOADS of fun especially in the Mascots. . . and as well as the Total Defence Ambassadors.

Here are some of the special moments I was able to catch.
(To open picture in another tab/window, please hold ctrl + clicking.)

Competitive Race:

The First Position! Bing Qi ( 3H )

Followed on my the rest. . .

And somemore. . . hahas!

The Assembly Area


3F in red shirts



3G and 3I


Hope u enjoyed the pics. . . so PLEASE do come here more often for updates and pictures okay? and once again,

Hav FUN 3H!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday, 11/02/09 H/W Update

Wednesday, 11/02/09 Homwork:

Important reminders for tommorrow
1. Cross Country Total Defence rehearsal at the Half Netball Court.
2. Visit by HOD during chinese in "Zeng Lao Shi's" class and Maths in Mr Lum's class.
3. English Remedial will be held after school at 2.30pm onwards (C103 - May be changed)

Chinese Class "Zeng Lao Shi"
1. Bring your "Fei Chang Yue Du" for test

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, 10/02/09 H/W Update

LOLZ!! is this a little late??? i until now then have free time. xD!

Tuesday, 10/02/09 Homwork:
1. Maths question 4(h) to 4(j).

Sunday, February 8, 2009


stop playing a fool in mr john ng's classsssssss ehz.
Like a dung ,& stop spamming :@ eh don't gay eh.

-Richelle here.


Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday, 06/02/09 H/W Update

Friday, 6th Februray 2009 Homework:

English Class
1. January & February ORCA Book Review.
2. Get a ring file.
3. English Project discussion will be on Monday.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Homework Update

HEHe. . . i wonder if you guys want the homework to be posted here? lolz!!! nvm . . .i'll just do it for todae and see if you want it still. (ChatBOX)

Thursday, 5th February 2009:

Geography Class - To complete the unfinished work if there are any. (Article Review, SEQ Essay & Timeline?)

Maths Class - Practice 2A, Qn. 1a, 1c, 2d, 3d, 4b, 4d.

Madm Wang's Chinese Class - To revise on "Bao Zhang Bao Dao" details.

English Class - Finish up the comprehension. (House of Sixty Fathers)

Reminder for tomorrow
1. Please Bring your thermometers.
2. Physics Test
3. Chemistry Test (Chapter 1, 2 [Open Book])

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The First Day aft the Opening

WOW!~!! hahas! the first time this blog has 12 people was todae! a wonderful record breakin news! hahas! Thanks for coming btw! oh yar. . . and more stuff will be uploaded here okay? hahas!

P.S. Please dun spam the ChatBOX

okay? 0.o PLEASEEE!!!! hahas!

Monday, February 2, 2009
Brief Introduction, Ethnic Celebrations

Brief Introduction!

HeY! Hi AGAIN! from 3rd of February, 3H will be officially OPENING THE BLOG!!! Amazingly, 3H is the first to open the blog! hahas! YAY!!!!

J.A.E.N.Z. have thought up on having a combined blog and also including one for each class. Junyuan in 3H, Amalina in 3G, Emporio 3C, Nigel & Zhe Hui 3F. These five people would be taking care of their own classes blog as well as posting updates on the shared blog (Secondary 3 Classes). We look forward to your postive support and all we hope is that. . . we all can bond together once again. Since in these 4 classes, we should have met somewhere during Secondary 1 till now. For the links of the different class blogs, you can find it under the ChatBOX.

We encourage everyone to make an account in Chatango to chat with everyone of us including teachers! so we know who is each other! xD Although we may not know each other very well, we'll take this time to know each other okay? Especially in the Shared BloG!

Ethnic Celebrations!

Remember during January, we had an event to celebrate Chinese New Year? Then . . . . the sec 3 classes have to do a rap, hall blackout. . . ! hahas! okay . . . Just some pictures we took while we were rehearsing for the rap including the video we submitted. Lets thank all of the Memebers for participating in this RAP! xD

BAM BAM BAMMM!!! hahas

Editing Lyrics. . .

Rehearsing the Beat!

Sarah & Jun Jie

SMILE for a groupie photo! xD

The Video we made.

It may not be that good cause it was kindar in a rush! hahas! The video is in the format of HD? but not really HD beacuse. . . we used a Digital Camera to take. . . and yar. . . HAHS!

3H's Rap (HD 1080p) from Junyuan on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
The First Post

HEY GUYS!!! hahs! Welcome to 3H's BLOG! Lets work together to make this a lively and WONDEFUL blog kayz? Class Admin and photos will be posted here asap. :D

The 3H Family!!!

- May we bond together as one and excel in our academics! xD
- Right Click Disabled


12nd Ding Quan
28th Isaac Goh
29th Sing Mei

2nd Bing Qi & Bing Da
3rd Clinton
4th Julia
5th Chien Yee

13rd Ming Jie
17th Luke
20th Zhong Yik

28 Samuel Lim

3rd Marilyn
7th Raynon
9th Wei Rong
12nd Yun Xin
25th Emeline

7th Rachel Koh
29th Junyuan

3rd Joshuah Kan & Loysius
7th Kittipong
10th Joey
25th Gerald

6th Wai Lum
22nd Daphne
25th Jun Jie

10th Sarah
12nd Lydia

28th Ming Keat

7th Richelle
21st Carissa
22nd Jia Qi
25th Claudia
27th Joel


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JY (3H)